Friday, May 17, 2013


At the end of every school year, we film our students speaking in English. The videos are all put on one DVD, so every year the students and their parents can watch them and see how they have improved and progressed in their spoken English. This year, with my seventh graders, one of the things on the videos is the "random question" section. They have to give me three numbers between one and ten and answer the question that matches that number. I thought it would be fun to answer the questions myself (excluding the two that are just really studenty).

  1. If you could have any super power, what would you choose and why? Teleportation, because this the only correct answer for obvious reasons.
  2. What annoys you? Many things, really. Too many things. The number one at the moment is that I can never talk about my quest for fitness badassery. The moment I say anything about it people groan and roll their eyes. And, yes, I know how annoying it can be, but I try really hard to keep it to a minimum. I've never once made an "at the gym" or "on a run" FB status, for example. But I do spend 12-15 hours per week working out! It's a huge part of my life, and I'd love it if I could even just mention it.
  3. What is your greatest fear? (one silly, one serious) Now that I've mostly gotten over the clown thing, my silly fear is deep space/black holes. It's not even a fear, exactly, more just that I feel quite anxious and uncomfortable when considering the infinite void. A serious fear (besides death, obviously)? I fear that I won't ever be able to forgive someone for how they have hurt me. I've tried, and thus far I just cannot get over it. I'd love to. I'm so afraid I won't.
  4. What is your greatest hope? (one silly, one serious) I hope that the rest of my time here in Budapest goes smoothly and that I have a lot of fun and a few more awesome journeys in Europe with Lyla and my Dad. A more serious hope is that I someday find myself living happily somewhere for more than a few years at a time. I'm starting to get the settle-down urge, but I'm afraid of it.
  5. What animal best represents you and why? A lot of my students said some variation on dog, and I don't disagree. Loyal, distrustful of strangers, floppy, happy, protective of those I love, competitively obedient...
  6. When was the last time you were really happy? I think that I am generally happy. The last time I remember feeling really completely happy and at peace, though, was in Montenegro in November. Lyla and I climbed up this mountain, and I could do it without much difficulty, which was amazing in and of itself. The views from the fortress at the top of the mountain were incredible, of the fjord bay curving out to the sea. It was cold, but the sun and the breeze were warm. I just sat there and hung my legs over the side of this ancient place and looked at the water, felt the wind move my hair and the sun warm my cheeks, and listened to the silence all around. Slowly, everything inside of me just sort of stopped, and I just existed for awhile. No inner chatter, no worry, no self-hate, no planning, no stress. I just was. It was pretty amazing, and I just felt like nothing in the world could hurt me. (It makes the next day pretty ironic.)
  7. When do you feel best about yourself? When I am lifting free weights. I look down at my strong body and I feel invincible when I shove something heavy above my own head. Also, when I laugh with some of my favorite students.
  8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would make myself less severe. I hold myself to really, really high standards. I try not to do the same to others, but I do. My face can tend to look stressed, even when I'm just relaxed. I don't like it, and I think that it limits me. On a superficial note, I would get rid of this darn extra skin under my upper arms, because it is gross.

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